Exams Information For Pupils

This information has been produced to provide you with all the guidance that you need to understand the regulations governing the external examinations procedures at the school. The regulations are set out by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ), and apply to every examination centre, University, school and college in the UK. 

It has been the practise of the school throughout your time here when sitting examinations, to conduct each examination in a manner that conforms too many of the regulations that you will find in this booklet. This has been done deliberately to allow you to become familiar with the regulations that govern the process. 

As a school we have the responsibility to follow the regulations that are set down for us. YOU have the responsibility to read ALL of the enclosed notices and make sure that you understand them. If there are things within them that you do not understand you MUST seek the guidance of a staff member to help you.  

These are NOT optional requirements, they are regulations that you MUST follow. Failing to follow the regulations WILL be reported by the school and WILL lead to consequences which can include losing your unit or exam marks and possible disqualification.